Dinner Select - Meal Planning

Quick & Easy Dinner Recipes
Healthy Dinner Ideas
Meal Planning

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 ♦ Subscriber Testimonials ♦

As a meal planning tool or as an alternative to a cookbook, subscribers enjoy the new dinner ideas from Dinner Select.  See subscriber comments below:

Dinner Select has helped me become a much better cook – I’ve learned quite a bit about combining flavors and cooking methods.  I love that the recipes are truly from scratch with such incredibly fresh ingredients.  After using Dinner Select for about a year and a half, I tried another online recipe program once (local, friend-recommended) and I tried some recipes from a best selling cook book that were supposed to be healthy.  However I quickly discovered that the recipes on Dinner Select are a cut above the rest and my family missed Dinner Select.  The level of vegetables simply doesn’t compare.  By the way, I clearly spend less money at the grocery store when I am using Dinner Select.  I “shop the perimeter” much more and I don’t buy nearly as many packaged and processed foods – this feels great!  I can quickly pull out any of the foods, chicken, pasta, rice for example, from a recipe and set aside for my younger children, as needed.  The children see my husband and I eating healthy and they are exposed to a variety of fresh healthy foods on a regular basis.  Now when I visit family and friends I marvel at how different we eat now – much, much healthier with much fresher and much less processed foods.  Thank you Dinner Select! - Appleton, WI


See a sample dinner menu.

family dinner preparation

Be inspired to cook at home with creative new dinner ideas!

“My family loves your service and we really enjoy all the great recipes.  This is truly something we've been needing to help with our nightly dinner decisions.  Plus, it gives me and my wife some valuable time together to catch up each day as we cook.  And for what it's worth, this is really my first time cooking dinner and since signing up for Dinner Select I've been in the kitchen with my wife almost every night cutting up vegetables and measuring out ingredients.  I absolutely love it." Kyle G., Missouri

"I love Dinner Select because the recipes are creative, yet easy to prepare. The grocery list is definitely a plus too. I have recipe books that sit there gathering dust because they aren't linked to a grocery list. I do plan on entering some of those recipes into Dinner Select, but I have plenty of recipes to choose from in the meantime." Anonymous customer survey response.

“I can't thank you enough for your service. Almost every recipe is so easy and delicious, and I hate cooking. I have a preschooler and a newborn, so I need fast dinners that the preschooler will eat, and many of yours are. The shopping lists are lifesavers." Paula W., Wisconsin 

“Dinner Select has put the joy of cooking back into my life. I had never realized that preparing a family dinner could be such a pleasure and as such has turned out to be something I now look forward to doing every night. Cooking! Imagine that, huh? Also, I have noticed that the recipes are written masterfully so that upon completion everything is ready to serve in a timely fashion. And let's not forget the grocery list! I no longer agonize over what to buy and whether my puchased groceries will go to waste. Plus, and this is a biggie, it's easy for my family to start dinner if I am running late. They've also begun to ask, "What's on the menu for this week?" And oh yeah, we are eating out less and less, electing to stay home because our meals taste wayyyy better than any restaurants! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!”  Patricia W., Tennessee

"I absolutely LOVE your service! I am a busy mom who happens to be a good cook, but one of my hardest struggles was knowing WHAT to cook! Thank you SO much for your wonderful idea of planning meals for the week. It is exactly what I've been looking for!! Keep up the good work. I have been telling all my friends and family about your service!” Gina N., Tennessee 

“...I currently suscribe to Dinner Select and love the service and am sure she will now love it too." Jamie G. who purchased a gift subscription for her friend.

“...I've found some great recipes." writes a subscriber who uses Dinner Select "solely to find new recipes - an alternative to buying a cookbook."  She says she would "recommend Dinner Select to others either for the menu planning or recipes." Kathy C., Wisconsin 

“I am nearing the end of my 3 month trial, and am realizing how bummed I would be if it lapsed!  All of your recipes are so easy, delicious and diverse, that I don't want to go back to the time consuming process of Google searching for recipes again!" Fran M., Florida 

“Your service is so awesome.  I have told a lot of people how great it has been for me and my family.  I think that not only are we eating better, but I am also wasting less food.  This was such a good idea." Eileen S., Colorado 

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Our site offers: Meal Planning Tips, Dinner Menu Suggestions, and Easy Dinner Ideas.